Are Your Cravings Roadblocks To Your Weight Loss?

Losing weight along with diet fads have been around and trending for years. Why is it so hard to lose weight? Are there too many roadblocks to getting that desired figure? Or, has society made it difficult for people to overcome the pleasures of junk food? I am here to say that weight loss is obtainable and you can overcome your cravings and lose weight. . You can do this by first understanding how to recognize roadblocks that hinder you from your weight loss goals and eliminate them.

First, let’s understand that food is our lifeline to survival. However, many of us haven’t taken the time to understand why food is vital to life and why certain foods should be enjoyed in moderation. It is so easy to ignore the necessities of food and indulge in our guilty pleasures.

For example, if you had a choice of eating a carrot stick versus a french fry, you would probably choose the french fry instead  Why? It’s because it tastes good and satisfies the fat cravings. Now there isn’t anything wrong with eating a french fry as long as it is eaten in moderation. Nevertheless, once you get used to eating certain foods, your body will definitely crave those foods whether they are good for you or not. 

Keep in mind that the food commercial industry makes billions of dollars from consumers who love to snack. Most people who are obese will admit they like to snack throughout the day. So, why is it so hard not to snack all of the time and buy these foods, to begin with?  Let’s just say, when you go to the grocery store, normally you will see snack items in areas on the outskirt aisle or at the checkout area. The main items usually are snacks that you can grab and go. It is very tempting to go to the store with a list of foods you want to shop for and only find those tempting snacks on the way out the door. Can you resist the temptation of buying those snacks? 

Many will say no because they will buy those check-out counter snacks and walk out the door munching on a few of them before they even get to the car. 

Does this sound like you? If so, I can surely relate along with billions of other people. Although there are many roadblocks to maintaining a healthy weight, there are ways to recognize these roadblocks and avoid allowing them to control you. Eating food should be for survival and enjoyed in moderation.  Eating food doesn’t have to be so hard, especially when you truly want to get a grip on your health and enjoy life. Your cravings can change for the better.

Below is a list of roadblocks that hinder weight loss. If you want to find out a permanent way to eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight, give us a call or sign up for a free consultation to speak with a Health Care Professional.

How To Avoid Foods That Keep You Overweight:

  1. Stop shopping while hungry
  2. Set a budget and plan what foods you are to buy and stick to that plan.
  3. Never go down the aisle with the junk foods you love. If you happen to do so, just keep walking. Tell yourself “I have to beat my cravings until I learn to eat these in moderation”.

Consult with us to get you on the road to a nutritional weight loss program. It begins with understanding how you can control your cravings, avoid bad eating habits, and enjoy healthy foods for life. Contact us for your free 30-minute consultation. or call 772-207-0862